about us

Association of Municipalities and Districts "Dolnośląska Kraina Rowerowa" (Lower Silesian Bicycle Land)

Owner and manager of the  'Dolnośląska Kraina Rowerowa' Brand  (Lower Silesian Bicycle Land) 

Coordinator of the CYCLISTS FRIENDLY SITES network

Operator of DKR.Travel bicycle tour operator


address: 55-140 Żmigród, ul. Poznańska 8/6 (entrance from the side, ground floor)

Office open: Monday - Friday 08.00 - 15.00


contact phone numbers:

+ 48 726 442 444

+ 48 667 442 772




biuro@dkr.travel.pl (organisation of expeditions and stays)


NIP: 915-16-12-645

REGON: 932651374

KRS: 0000098618

account number: 42 9598 0007 0018 0513 2000 0001

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