about us

During the tours we encourage you to make use of the guides, who are a support on the route but also a treasure trove of knowledge about the region.

The guides cooperating with DKR are residents of the area - they were born and raised here, they live and work here, and above all they cycle a lot. They are enthusiasts who know the area like the back of their hand. With them you will get to know all the trails and learn many interesting facts.

The guides have been trained as qualified cycling instructors. They hold a certificate and a card confirming their qualifications. They also deepen their knowledge of the region during cycling guide meetings, sightseeing trainings and field events.

Among the guides we have persons employed in local self-governments, running organisations or bike rental companies, organising cycling events, naturalists, teachers, translators, photographers. Their knowledge and passion will make your tour of the DKR unforgettable.

We always choose the best guide or guideess for each tour and group. Feel free to contact us!

Cycling guides during one of the training sessions, photo: Kazik Laskowicz


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