about us

Don't like preparing a trip by yourself? Tired of searching for routes, accommodation, attractions? Don't have the time? Or would you prefer to rely on an experienced local organiser who knows the region well? Then this offer is just for you!

We organise two- and multi-day cycling tours, during which we cycle between 40 and 80 km each day along the most beautiful routes and corners of the Lower Silesian cycling country. Participants in the expeditions have their stay comprehensively planned: accommodation and meals in Bicycle Friendly Places, admission to attractions, care of a local guide on the route. The expeditions have a specific date and programme.

It is customary to organise 2 expeditions per year. In SPRING, when the fruit orchards and rapeseed are in blossom, the air smells of cherry blossom and the birds are carefully rearing their offspring, and in autumn, when the fishermen are preparing to harvest carp from the Milicz ponds, the vintners and fruit growers are harvesting, the trees are shimmering with a variety of colours and the birds are preparing for their autumn flight.


Participants of the DKR expedition, organised jointly with 80Rowerow.pl in June 2023, photo by Marta Kaminska

With expeditions organised by a local organisation, you are sure to discover the region in depth. Nobody knows the DKR like we do, so only with us will you get to know all the angles, shortcuts, local flavours and hits, especially those off the beaten track and off the routes described in guidebooks.

During a joint expedition, accompanied by a guide who knows the area like the back of his hand, we will ride the most beautiful trails in the region, visit local producers, meet service providers who are open to cooperation with cyclists, meet a variety of naturalists with a passion, learn about the specific character of the Barycz Valley and the Trzebnickie Hills, visit the home town of Ryszard Szurkowski, etc. etc.

You can see the offer of current expeditions in the calendar of events.


>> next expedition - 16-19 may 2024 <<

We invite you to a cycling expedition to the Lower Silesian Cycling Land

Lower Silesian Cycling Land - Barycz Valley | 4 days | 3 nights | 3 days ride | 180 km


>> link to the expedition <<



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